http://www.freeintertv.com/news_pic/43606.jpgAs the journalists continue to follow the events in Libya, so does the public. Our new interactive format, which allows our readers to comment on the articles, has seen Pravda.Ru over the past few weeks receive numerous interesting comments from those who have been interested in this situation, which we are happy to synthesize below.
Let one thing be perfectly clear: those who manufactured those Libyan flags from the time of King Idris, those who are arming, aiding and abetting the "rebels" (terrorists according to the western media referring to the same types of actions in other countries) are responsible for what is going on. Suppose the western media is misleading us?

"He's gotta go," says David Cameron, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom about Muammar Al-Qathafi. The thing is, who has done more for his people? From President Obama, surprisingly, the same call. Yet the Libyan is not a protagonist who is dying for his own war to become a hero, because his disastrous policies at home are making him unpopular.
http://www.freeintertv.com/news_pic/43631.jpgAs this article goes to Press, the NATO member states are holed up in their Brussels Headquarters yet again scheming together to attack a sovereign nation outside the auspices of the UNO. In other words, yet another act of terrorism, another breach of international law, another act of disrespect for the UNO and a violation of its Charter.
I correct myself. By "member states" I mean the United States of America, egged on eagerly by Top Poodle - the UK, while the other members sit and listen obediently while their contribution to yet another act of terrorism - an illegal attack against a sovereign state outside the auspices of international law - is pencilled into the scheme.

A few token peace-keeping military police from the Portuguese, unwilling to ruffle many feathers; a more proactive role for the Baltic States, willing to make amends for their disgusting record during the Second World War; a nice bloodthirsty role for the British Gurkhas, Nepalese psychopaths sent in to slit throats with a Kukri knife, all in the name of King and Country, and so on...
http://www.freeintertv.com/news_pic/4ce765539d9ae2d9759d7c934d09a1a1.jpgInflamed violence continues to tear through Libya, more than three weeks after protests erupted. However, some believe that mainstream media outlets are way too one-sided in portraying the events in the country.

Benghazi-based rebel National Libyan Council confirmed on Tuesday that Muammar Gaddafi had talked to them, bargaining for an opportunity to escape the country, Reuters news agency reports.

A source in the council told the agency on Monday that Muammar Gaddafi had offered to hand power to the head of parliament and leave Libya with a guaranteed sum of money.

The council did not confirm the proposal on Monday, but on Tuesday announced that it had been, indeed, made. National Libyan Council’s spokesperson Mustafa Gheriani told the agency that the rebels rejected the deal.

The Libyan government denied having talks with the council, Al Arabiya television reported. It also quoted Libya’s Foreign Minister as saying that the allegations of the National Libyan Council did not deserve a response.

Muammar Gaddafi’s supporters are currently moving eastwards in order to reclaim towns which they lost during the popular uprising, Al Jazeera television has reported on Tuesday. According to the channel, pro-Gaddafi forces have retaken the town of Bin Jawad in central Libya and moved on to the oil port of Ras Lanuf.
http://www.freeintertv.com/news_pic/43577.jpgWhile the Western press continues to make a truly mendacious campaign against the leader Moammar Gadhafi and the Libyan people, praising royalist traitor groups and followers of Bin Laden, supporters of leader Muammar Gaddafi resumed control early on Wednesday of the city of Brega - an important oil center in the east.

"Overnight, the Libyans attacked Brega airport, where they faced a few rebels," doctor Ayman al-Moghrabi told Agence Press d' France.

Military forces went into Brega with several tanks and artillery and occupied the refineries and the city center, witnesses said, who also reported the absence of fighting in the port city.

At this moment, the forces loyal to Al Fateh Revolution and to the leader, Muammar Gaddafi, advance in the city of Ajdabiya, near Brega and according to Western media, would also be controlled by insurgents. The Libyans already have retaken their military base which had fallen to a few rebels, three miles from Ajdabiya. The city lies 160 km southwest of Benghazi, the epicenter of the riots in the east.

On Tuesday afternoon, after an emotional speech by leader Muammar Gaddafi, the military and the revolutionary committees were set in motion to recover the entire Libyan Arab territory, threatened by minorities in the service of the former monarchy of King Idris and Al Qaeda.
As the violence continues in Libya, the US has been sending warships and more troops in that direction, fueling speculation of a military intervention. Some believe, however, that the West has already launched its war against Gaddafi’s regime.

­According to specialist in US sanctions Michael Krinksy, the latest freezing of Muammar Gaddafi and his family's foreign assets has been the main weapon in this war so far. “Most countries consider the freezing of their assets an act of economic warfare,” he said.

Some estimate that Libyan foreign assets amount to as much as US$ 100 billion, believed to be spread across the globe in investment. The question now is what happens to this fortune, especially the US$ 30 billion which the US has frozen, essentially cutting Libya off from the entire US banking system.

Despite the situation in Libya remaining unresolved, one thing is now certain: the president of the United States is now in control of the money, and this gives him a powerful tool.
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